Category: Technology

Through The Noise
January 12, 2023

#607 Making a Waste-Free Future with Jeremy Lang of Pela

Jeremy Lang // CEO & Co-Founder // Pela

Jeremy Lang is the Founder and Vice President of Sustainability at Pela – best known for creating the world’s first biodegradable phone cases and more recently Lomi Smart Waste Appliance, a countertop

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Through The Noise
September 29, 2022

#605 Can Private Jets Be More Accessible & Sustainable? with Andrew Collins of Sentient Jet

Andrew Collins // CEO // Sentient JetĀ 

As the President and CEO of Sentient Jet, Andrew Collins is responsible for a $450 million consumer travel and aviation business that has rapidly flourished over the last six years. Under his leadership,

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Through The Noise
September 15, 2022

#604 How GHGSat Monitors Greenhouse Gases via Satellite – with Jean-Francois Gauthier

Jean-Francois Gauthier // Vice President of Measurements and Strategic Initiatives // GHGSat

Jean-Francois Gauthier is a mechanical engineer, lifelong space geek, and the Vice-President of Measurements and Strategic Initiatives at GHGSat.

GHGSat provides actionable greenhouse gas emissions data and insights

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Through The Noise
May 19, 2022

#599 Inside Carbon Caption Technology – with Stefan Koester

Stefan Koester // Senior Policy Analyst // ITIF- Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

Stefan Koester is a senior policy analyst with the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation where he focuses on clean energy innovation and climate change policy. He has …

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Through The Noise
January 26, 2022

#590 What is Working at Tesla Like? Farzad Mesbahi on Dynamic Workspaces

Farzad Mesbahi // Entrepreneur & Content Creator

Farzad Mesbahi is a YouTube content creator primarily focused on technology and its impact on our future. He’s an entrepreneur, worked at Tesla for 4 years as a Program Manager, and was a

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Through The Noise
July 7, 2021

#580 AMP Robotics: Using AI to Revolutionize the Recycling Industry – with Rob Writz

Rob Writz // Director of Commercial Partnerships // AMP Robotics

Rob Writz is director of commercial partnerships for AMP Robotics; his professional career has focused on the intersection of software with the circular economy and safety. Before joining AMP in …

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Through The Noise
December 5, 2019

TTN #512 Todd Thibodeaux, President & CEO of CompTIA

Todd Thibodeaux is the president and chief executive officer of CompTIA, the leading non-profit trade association for the global technology industry. CompTIA represents more than 2,000 member companies and 3,000 business partners spanning the worldwide technology industry.

The Computing Technology …

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