#582 The ESG Impact of Globechain’s B2B Reuse Marketplace – with May Al-Karooni

Through The Noise
September 22, 2021

#582 The ESG Impact of Globechain’s B2B Reuse Marketplace – with May Al-Karooni

May Al-Karooni // Founder & CEO // Globechain

May Al-Karooni

May Al-Karooni is the Founder and CEO of Globechain. Her passion is to prove that a business with its foundation structured on the principle of being commercial with a conscience can grow to become a global company, generating revenue, doing good AND offering infinite possibilities to those who use it.

Globechain is an ESG reuse marketplace that connects enterprises with non-profits, small businesses, and people to redistribute unneeded items, reduce waste, and optimise assets through internal and external reuse and loan, generating ESG data on the impact.