#334 Corey Petree, Founder of Story Store Media

Through The Noise
March 5, 2018

#334 Corey Petree, Founder of Story Store Media

Through the Noise #334

Corey Petree // Founder // Story Store Media

Corey Petree // Founder // Story Store Media

Getting heard “through the noise” is why we’re all here and today’s guest, Corey Petree has spent his career helping organizations and businesses amplify their stories and get them heard by the right person. Corey Petree is a returning guest on Through the Noise and he is the Founder of Story Store Media, a video production firm that also produces work for live audiences. What message will connect you to your next high-level donor? What tactic will resonate with your community? Are you wasting time, money, or effort with ineffective planning? Join us for this episode for ideas on taking your organization’s promotions and communications to the next level.