Nonprofits need I.T. love, too

Through The Noise
January 23, 2014

Nonprofits need I.T. love, too

Through the Noise #16

David Deal // Founding Partner // CommunityIT

David Deal works in I.T. but his organization’s mission is what he calls purpose driven work. He shares how valuable it is for him to work with nonprofits and what their specific I.T. needs and challenges are.

David is the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Community IT Innovators. For David, Community IT stemmed from his desire to serve people and organizations working for social justice by supporting them in using technology effectively.

For nonprofits without in-house IT staff, Community IT serves as the partner for technology guidance and ongoing support. The business model at Community IT has been recognized for its social mission and its commitment to sustainable business, and led it through a conversion to 100% employee ownership.

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